Monday, June 17, 2013

Discovering Azerbaijan

When I entered my sophomore year last August I didn't fathom for a second that I would be getting involved in an exchange program that would change my life quite extremely, as well as take up hours of day dreaming and planning. I had always dreamed of travelling to far away countries full of cultural differences and adventures. But coming from a modest family who managed to take a hit when the housing market declined, I always knew it'd be impossible to afford. So I made do with making friends from different cultures and learning what I could from them.

But around October of 2012, I had a presentation from two students and a nice lady in my english class. It was for a foreign exchange program- and they were sending ten students to a country called Azerbaijan. (Azerbai what?)

At this point I stopped listening. I knew I couldnt afford something like this, and I didnt want to get falsely excited for something I knew would never happen. But then the woman said the magic word.


I know, I know. Sounds crazy. I didnt believe her either, but it did catch my interest. I had never heard of this country- and after she caught my full attention I learned it was directly to the left of the Caspian Sea, bordered by Turkey, Georgia, and Iran.

I wrote down the website where you applied, and immediatly a flood of excitement flowed through me. Little did I know that I was about to get involved in the most emotion-provoking, intense, and exciting experience of my life.

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